Tuesday 27 March 2018



Help students learn how to create value through customer connections and engagement

In a fast-changing, increasingly digital and social marketplace, it's more vital than ever for marketers to develop meaningful connections with their customers. Principles of Marketing helps students master today's key marketing challenge: to create vibrant, interactive communities of consumers who make products and brands an integral part of their daily lives. To help students understand how to create value and build customer relationships, Kotler and Armstrong present fundamental marketing information within an innovative customer-value framework.

Thoroughly revised to reflect the major trends impacting contemporary marketing, the 17th Edition is packed with stories illustrating how companies use new digital technologies to maximize customer engagement and shape brand conversations, experiences, and communities.

MyLabTM Marketing not included. Students, if MyLab is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN and course ID. MyLab should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson rep for more information.

MyLab is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment product designed to personalize learning and improve results. With a wide range of interactive, engaging, and assignable activities, students are encouraged to actively learn and retain tough course concepts.



Make it easy for students to understand: Clear, Simple Language and Visual Learning Aids
The authors use simple English and short sentences to help students grasp concepts more easily and quickly. The text consists of full-colored learning cues, graphics, and diagrams to capture student attention and help them visualize concepts.
Know Your ESM presents quick review questions designed to help students consolidate their understanding of key chapter concepts.
Make it easy for students to relate: Cases and Examples written with a Global Outlook
The first edition global outlook is retained by having an even spread of familiar cases and examples from the worlds major regions: 40% from American, 30% from Asia and 30% from Europe.
Help students see how various concepts fit into the big picture: Revised Framework
An improved framework characterized by stronger chapter integration as well as tighter presentation and structure.
Help instructors to prepare for lessons: Enhanced Instructor Supplements
- Instructors Manual: Contain additional individual and group class activities. It also contains chapter-by-chapter teaching suggestions.
- Powerpoint Slides: Slides will feature example-based teaching using many examples and step-by-step application cases to teach and illustrate chapter concepts.
- Test Bank: Updated Test Bank that is Test Gen compatible.
- Video Bank: Corporate videos and advertisements help link concept to application. Videos will also come with teaching notes and/or a list of questions for students to answer.
- Case Bank: Cases can be in PDF format available for download as an Instructor Resource.



1. Think and Grow Rich
2. The Secret
3. Rich Dad Poor Dad
4. The Intelligent Investor
5. Money Master The Game
6. The 4 Hour Work Week
7. The Millionaire Fastlane
8. The Power Of Habit
9. Atlas Shrugged
10. How To Win Friends And Influence People
11. The $100 Start Up
12. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari
13. E-Myth Revisited
14. The 10X Rule
15. Zero To One



1. Improve your focus and concentration
2. Relaxation technique
3. Reading makes you smarter

Bossard Library proudly announces the 2016 Adult Winter Reading program themed “Exercise Your Mind…Read!”, whereby adults earn prizes for reading throughout the cold winter months.  This fun-filled program, co-sponsored by the Friends of Bossard Library, begins on December 27, when registration begins at the Library.  For every five books read, participants will receive one entry into the Library’s seven grand prize drawings.   After participants have read fifteen books, they will receive a versatile Bossard Library book bag, while supplies last.    Qualifying books (including eBooks and audiobooks) must be borrowed from Bossard Memorial Library. 

The goal of this program, which will run through March 20, is to encourage reading throughout the winter months.  While this particular program is for adults, it is important that children are exposed to a variety of books in the home and that children see that reading is an important part of their parents’ and grandparents’ everyday lives.  For these youth, our Library offers an annual Summer Reading Program, which will commence in June 2016.



 Essay on importance of reading books in our life: Books are the mystery of human creativity. Books play an important role of a teacher, guide, and friend in our life. Without books life is impossible. Books share our pain, books guide to use to lead future with confidence.

Books explore creativity and clarity in student’s minds. Books are teaching tools for teachers. Books library is a sea of knowledge for lifetime learners. Reading books make our life fresh and active each day. Reading books every day is as important as bathing. I love to read books and I am not able to imagine this world without books.
Books explore our past, present, and future. We can create and imagine better future during reading books. We can solve millions of present time problems while reading books. We can analyze our past after during and after reading books.
Books are with us from school times. Books never die. Books will exist till the end of this world. Only books can feel our pain and happiness. That’s how books play an important role in our life.
Books increase our focus in life. We become focused on our life and career goals during reading books. When you learn, you think less and receive more. Your brain starts working on new words and beliefs.
That’ increases and builds new cells in the brain. Then fresh cells in our body make us confident focused and balance our thought process in mind. That’s why I think books are not only a teacher but also a medicine.
If you want to test this method then try following methods:

1. Books give us more data, information, and knowledge

Books told me that habits of reading daily help you to get more information and data. That combination of data and information will give you the knowledge that you can use in your business and career.
Whatever you read daily it will keep updating the knowledge inside you. That’s why reading books is a really important source of knowledge and that help you become successful in any field you’re working on.

2. Books help us to become Rich in life

Books told me that because of us many people are rich. Some by reading books and some by writing. Thousands of bookstore or eBook selling websites and their families rely on us. Many writers still creating new family members.
E-Book is our new generation. Blogs and articles are part of our family. No matter you like to read in printable form or like to read on Kindle. That’s OK! I was fully convinced that there are thousands of writer writing books and billions of people reading them. That’s the power of books. And now I think you also start realizing the importance of books in life.

3. Reading books is important to achieve goals in life. 

Books align your brain in the direction of your goals in life. It’s common that in the virtual world there are various types of information that brain is eating daily. Some information makes you negative and some will distract you from your goals.
When you start reading good books related to your career or business or goals they will align your brain by positive bribes towards your goals. Reading motivational books help and increase focus. And focus and confidence help in career development and to achieve goals in life.

4. Books are important to read to stress without medicine

Whenever you’re looking peace of mind and silence then start reading your favorite books and it will immediately remove the stress. No matter it is projected deadline pressure, stress in a relationship or any kind.
It is because you’re learning and diving into the thoughts of writers. Writers have different mental level and a different method of thinking for the same reason. They shared it in form of books, articles or banners and it enables your brain to think differently.

5. Books guide, teach and share our pain with like a good friend

Books play a big role as a friend of a human being. Whenever you feel alone and dominated get a book and start learning. It will immediately start communicating with you. If you’re sad they will make you happy and give bet compassion.
Whenever we look for guide or teacher books helps us. Books are really a God for a human. As you know Saraswati (Sanskrit: सरस्वती, Sarasvatī) is the Hindu goddess of knowledge, music, arts, wisdom, and learning and we can get all these types of knowledge from books.

6. Reading books improve vocabulary  

Books improve our communication skills. Books help students or to express thoughts in a speech that required lots of words in the vocabulary. The more we read the more new words our brain start gaining new words and adding into the vocabulary folder of your brain. It will help you when you start talking or writing. You will never feel the shortage of words in your brain.

7. Book is important to read to get success in career

Creativity, imagination, and thinking play a great role in our career. Creativity is really important to be known as different. Doing something differently explore our imagination and we start thinking deep (critical, analytical). This is not possible without reading and learning.
In books, nobles, and articles, writer opens the creative doors of your brain. The words and images of writer start reflecting in you. Every new line will take you to the world of imagination. That’s the focus of many writers. Because as you know imagination is more powerful than knowledge. And knowledge makes you great!
That’s what books told me about the importance of reading them daily. That’s why I promised with books that I will start reading daily.  I will never ignore learning from you. Learn 1-2 hours daily before sleeping. You can read eBooks, articles or blogs or printed version of ours. We all are one. And we all are to educate you. We make you better human being. We help you to become you.
So, friends as you now know the importance of education in life very well, I think you should read books and make it your daily habits. The above reason I hope explored the reasons behind why you should read every day.


SECOND HAND BOOKSTORE Published @ 2014 by Ipietoon